Military Action:
Syrian troops carry out large scale war games; PLO forces put on full alert.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5 IDF reservists sentenced to jail terms during past 2 days for refusing to serve in Lebanon; journalists, academics and military officials begin 3 day conference in Jerusalem on news coverage during the Lebanon and other wars; border police shoot and kill 1, wound 2, arrest 9 when villagers seek to stop construction bulldozers preparing site for new settlement of Elkana D near village of Bidya; curfew in Qabatya after molotov cocktail thrown at gas station.
Arab Governments: Syrian President Assad meets with Lebanese foreign minister.
US and Other Countries: Shultz meets with Israeli defense and foreign ministers for line by line review of draft agreement, and with PM Begin; US denies Israeli press reports that Pentagon amended terms of agreement on sale of components for Lavi jet fighter, US will provide both parts and technology, but not secret technological data required by Israel for eventual co-production of parts.