Military Action:
Heavy fighting during the night in Chouf; 5 artillery rounds fired at US ships off Beirut, fall short of targets.
5 killed in Chouf battles, total of 23 killed, 70 wounded in past 3 days.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Defense Minister Arens says IDF withdrawal from Lebanon is conditional on evacuation of Syrian and PLO forces, says it is too early to decide on unilateral withdrawal to the Awali line; Foreign Minister Shamir says IDF will deploy and position itself in safest possible arrangement if Syria does not fulfill its promise to evacuate its troops; Labor Party Chairman Peres says Alignment will not support the Lebanon agreement, the previous situation of informal agreements with Haddad was better and wasn't conditional on Syrian support.
US and Other Countries: Secretary Shultz holds 4 hours of talks in Damascus with President Assad, first high level US meeting with him since 1977, says Syrians are not enthusiastic about the agreement, question of Syrian and PLO withdrawal is primarily up to Lebanese; Shultz travels to Jeddah, meets King Fahd; in Nairobi, Kenya, Israeli Bat Dor Dance Company performs despite protests from political and trade union officials, PLO and Arab League representatives.