Military Action:
Fighting continues between LAF and militiamen in southern suburbs and at Souq al-Gharb and between Druze and Phalange militias in Kharroub; stray shells land near Marine base at airport.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: New Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Otgad right-wing member of Herut party with business interests and residence in West Bank, named by Shamir.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PSP official says Druze refugees have begun to occupy homes abandoned by Christian refugees in Chouf villages as part of new civil administration policy.
US and Other Countries: Reagan appoints McFarlane as national security adviser, replacing William Clark; Marine commander in Beirut says sniper fire in past few days originates from gunmen newly arrived in area; US states officially for first time that Marines and other MNF units are the targets of attacks.