Social/Economic/ Political:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli cabinet refuses to release secret documents for MK Sharon's use in $50 million libel suit against Time magazine. UNRWA closes Ramallah Men's Teacher Training Center indefinitely inresponse to student protests against administrative actions. 4 Kabul residents imprisoned for demonstrating during Shimon Peres' campaign visit to their village.
Arab World: Lebanese PM Wazzan tells Beirut press that US officials "lied to us" in assuring the Lebanese govt. Israeli forces would be out of Lebanon by Jan. or Feb. 1983.
Other Countries: As pres. of non-aligned movement, Indira Ghandi visits Chrmn. Arafat in Tunis.
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Firebomb thrown at IDF patrol near Arroub camp, 1 soldier injured.