Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sakhnin man Ibrahim Khalayleh arrested on charges of raising Palestinian flag on Land Day (3/30). FM Kimche denies Israeli arming of "Contras" in Nicaragua and says Israel not intending to get involved in Central America's military struggles; also says Israel cannot withdraw from Lebanon until certain of safe northern border. Hadashot reports DM Arens appoints team of inquiry into Israeli police killing of commandos (4/12/84).
Other Countries: Israel rejects invitation to conference on "The Question of Palestine" mandated by 28th General Assembly (12/13/83).
Military Action:
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bombs planted by Israeli terrorists on 5 Jerusalem-Kalandiya buses discovered and defused by Israeli police; about 20 Orthodox Jewish "TNT" suspects arrested, including settler leaders and IDF reservists; news blackout imposed.