Sunday, July 29, 1984


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects recent USSR peace proposal based on Brezhnev plan. Jerusalem mayor Kollek tells news conference of drive against Kach and Meir Kahane with appeal to support anti-racism bill. Defendents Amjad Rabaya and Wafiq Sawalha tried for armed attack on W. Jerusalem street (4/2/84) admit charges, insisting on POW status. Najah student sentenced to 10 mos. charged with membership in Palestinian organization. Police summon head of Gaza Citrus Producers' Union, warning of legal retaliation against Union for assisting farmers to obtain financialid.

Other Countries: USSR calls for renewal of Geneva Middle East peace talks including USSR, US, Israel, PLO & Arab states.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-made bomb thrown at Shefa 'Amr home; no injuries. Kach members beat up 2 Palestinian laborers; victims hospitalized in serious condition.

Arab World: IDF units attacked by rocket fire near Jezzine and S. of Tyre.