Occupied Palestine/Israel: International Women's Day celebrations held in Palestinian towns, largest of which sponsored by Women's Work Com. in Jerusalem. Israeli military blockade refuses women access to Jerusalem. 9-mo. hunger strike at Neve Terza women's prison ends with some rights restored to inmates. In Knesset State Control Com. hearings, West Bank leaders Raja Shehadeh, Muhammad Nasser and Beit Jala mayor al-Araj accuse West Bank court system of corruption, citing hampering of legal process, confiscation of files, arbitrary transfer ofcases, and Israeli officials' lying to High Court of Justice. Supreme Court reduces Kach settlers' sentence from 39 to 30 mos. for firing on passing car driven by Yatta village resident. Leaders of segregationist MENA organization protest High Court of Justice ban on their anti-Arab demonstrations planned for Nazareth central square. Over 700 Grenada & Beirut-veteran Marines arrive in Haifa aboard USS Guam for 4-days of "R&R." Noting that bomb detonated on Ashdod bus (3/7/84) was IDF type, police spokesman Nitzav Caspi suggests bombing "not perpetrated by 'terrorists'."
Other Countries: US Joint Chiefs of staff Chrmn. Vessey holds mtg. with World Jewish Congress leaders.
Military Action: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Having already lost half their land to Israeli confiscations, Palestinian Druze residents of Beit Jann obstruct Israeli "nature reservists" destroying village road; 1 villager suffers head injuries, 1 young woman suffers broken arm when struck by Israeli with axe.
Arab World: Israeli private contractor employed by IDF ambushed and killed near Lake Karoun, S. Lebanon. [Defense Ministry now affords civilian workers military status in S. Lebanon, making surviving families eligible for increased pensions.]