Occupied Palestine/Israel: Twenty-one Palestinian ex-prisoners file petition with High Court for order nisi forbidding their possible deportation (in wake of Khalid Tantash deportation); appeal is rejected [FJ 1/10]. Zafir al-Masri is installed by Israeli authorities as mayor of Nablus, says municipal council will comprise former associates from Nablus Chamber of Commerce [CT 12/20]. Roadbocks are removed from al-Najah University [CT 12/20].
Arab World: One thousand demonstrators in Cairo demand release of Sulayman Khatir, Egyptian policeman facing trial for shooting 7 Israeli tourists in Sinai last October [JP 12/20].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports 2 Labor MKs needed police protection from JDL intimidation during recent 12-day speaking tour of U.S. for Peace Now; MKs are Ora Namir and 'Abd al-Wahab Darawsha [JP 12/20].