Sunday, March 24, 1985


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres issues statement indicating Israeli willingness to meet with Palestinian-Jordanian delegation, without PLO participation, "at any place and at any time" but opposes prior meeting between such delegation and US officials [BG 3/25]. Kach movement demonstrates at Haifa U., Technion; calls for expulsion of Palestinian students identifying with PLO from institutions of higher learning UP 3/25]. Govt. agrees to allow US Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty broadcasts [12/24] from Israel [NYT 3/25]. Interior Ministry approves application by Umm al-Fahm town council for municipal status [FJ 3/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 17-yr.-old Mir'i Salah Farhan shot by IDF during stone-throwing incident at Qalandiya camp [JTA 3/25, FJ 3/29]. Gasoline bomb thrown at IDF patrol in Tulkarm camp; no reported injuries [FJ 3/29].