Monday, October 7, 1985


Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and anti-American slogans as the 2 are buried at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Cairo, where the families of the 2 men live [MG 10/8]. Pres. Mubarak sees Arafat's political advisor Hani al-Hasan in an unscheduled meeting; al-Hasan conveys thanks for Egypt's position on Israel's Tunis air raid [JP 10/8].

Other Countries: Diplomatic sources say the U.S. decided not to veto UN Sec. Counc. resolution condemning Israeli air raid because of fears Tunisian govt. would break diplomatic ties with the U.S. [LT 10/8; NYT 10/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA news agency claims PLO responsibility for blast destroying Jerusalem apartment building, claims 20 killed, including Israeli lintelligence agents. Israeli police say 1 died and 11 were injured in the explosion, which was caused by a gas leak [TS 10/8].

Arab World: Four heavily armed Palestinians hijack an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, carrying 400 passengers off the shore of Egypt. Officials at Port Sa'id say the hijackers, who identify themselves as members of the Palestine Liberation Front, demand the release of 50 prisoners held in Israel, including Samir Qantari, in exchange for the ship's passengers; they threaten to blow up the ship if their demands are not met. Yasir Arafat denies any PLO responsibility in the hijacking, vows to try to use his influence to end it [NYT 10/8, 9; WP 10/9]. Fighting breaks out again around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Radio stations say the fighting is between Lebanese Muslim and Palestinian militias; Amal states it is an intemal Palestinian problem. Tankfire is used against the camps and at least 1 person is killed [FT, BG 10/8].