Occupied Palestine/Israel: The 10-member inner cabinet deadlocks on a proposed compromise to end the Taba border dispute with Egypt, leaving the issue unresolved; Labor and Likud are evenly divided [JTA 9/20]. Leading Jewish businessmen from various countries and top Israeli officials and executives end 4 days of talks within the framework of P. M. Peres' International Task Force for Economic Recovery, chaired by Detroit businessman Max Fisher [JTA 9/20]. Jerusalem Post reports Israel has recently opened embassy in Hong Kong to improve contacts with Far East [JP 9/19]. Five thousand ultra-Orthodox Jews protest construction of $15 million extension of Brigham Young Univ., fearing it would be used for proselytizing [LAT 9/20].
Arab World: Nabih Birri states Israel is setting up new prison camp in Khiam; claims Israel and SLA detaining 50 Lebanese. Israeli military denies charge but cannot speak for SLA [JP 9/20]. British P.M. Thatcher, visiting 'Amman, signs $360 million arms deal with Jordan which includes military vehicles, electronic warfare and field communications equipment, and tank ammunition and spare parts. Israel condemns the agreement [WP 9/20].
Other Countries: The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations issues statement calling on the administration to withdraw its proposed arms sale to Jordan [JTA 9/20]. P.M. Thatcher visits Palestinian refugee camp outside 'Amman and receives enthusiastic welcome [FT 9/20]. The British govt. defends its oil exporting policies in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg against charges they discriminate against Israel [FT, JTA 9/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Gasoline bomb thrown at Mt. Zion bus stop (2nd in one week); no injuries or damage reported [JP 9/20].