Occupied Palestine/Israel: Th deficit in the balance of goods and services between the occupied territories and Israel increased by 49% in 1985 to total $219 million; the West Bank's trade deficit declined to $425 million in 1985, compared to $428 million the previous year, while the West Bank's surplus in services fell to $206 million in 1985, compared to $281 million in 1984, due to the erosion of Israeli salaries and the cutback in construction work [JP 4/29]. Israeli police announce arrest of members of a "terrorist ring" suspected of 2 killings and 2 attempted killings in Jerusalem in last 6 weeks; Jerusalem court declares news blackout on the case [NYT, PI, MG 4/30]. Later reports indicate 20 Palestinians are arrested [JP 5/6]. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin has instructed the security authorities to bring to trial the West Bank settlers who blocked a road north of Halhul a fortnight ago to prevent people from reaching a Peace Now symposium in nearby Hebron [JP 4/29].
Arab World: The Jordanian minister for the occupied territories, Tahir Kan'an, was dismissed over the weekend [LT 4/29]. New departments are dedicated for hospital in S. Lebanese Christian town of Marja'uyun; SLA commander Gen. Antoine Lahd thanks Israel for its help in training workers and doctors for the hospital; some $2 million was donated for the hospital, coming from Israel, Middle East Television, and the SLA command [JP 4/29].
Military Action
Arab World: Guerrillas clash on slopes of Mt. Hermon with Israeli army troops; 2 guerrillas are killed, 3 Israeli soldiers wounded [JP, JTA 5/2].