Friday, December 19, 1986


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, Israeli police raid 2 Jewish seminaries in search of arms and "sabotage materials" after series of attacks against Arabs. No arms found; 1 man is arrested [PI 12/20]. Israeli military court in Gaza sentences 7 members of an "armed cell" to long prison terms [FJ 12/25]. After numerous charges of abuse, "Ansar II," a makeshift detention center in Gaza, is closed. Most detainees are released [FJ 12/25].

Arab World: Egyptian authorities arrest 6, accusing them of plotting to kill Israelis in the al-Ma'adi suburb of Cairo [FJ 12/25].

Other Countries: U.S. Pres. Reagan names Lawrence Walsh as independent counsel to investigate the arms sales to Iran and diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan contras [PI 12/20].

Military Action

Arab World: PLO and Amal continue their fight around Shatila and Burj al-Barajinah camps [GU 12/20].