Occupied Palestine/Israel: Deputy advisor on antiterrorism to P.M. Peres, Gideon Mahanayimi, states "best way" to fight terrorist organizations is by assassinating their leaders [BG 1/12]. American Enterprise Institute (Washington, D.C.) and Arab Council for Public Affairs (East Jerusalem) cosponsor panel in which Palestinian political scientists respond to papers prepared by AEI academics [FJ 1/171.
Arab World: Islamic Conference Organization concludes annual conference with condemnation of U. S. economic sanctions against Libya, fails to adopt concrete response [CSM 1/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Druze policeman Jamil Faris is shot to death, another policeman, 4 Palestinian passers-by wounded in Nablus by unidentified gunmen; round-the-clock curfew is imposed, house-to-house searches are conducted, number of Palestinians are arrested [WP, JP 1/12; JTA 1/13; FJ 1/17].