Occupied Palestine/Israel: Industry and Trade Minister Ariel Sharon has ordered strict labeling guidelines for all products made in the occupied territories, which he claims "threaten Israeli firms with unfair competition" [JP 5/6]. Israeli police and Shin Bet arrest 5 more members of alleged underground Palestinan cell suspected of 2 murders, 2 attempted murders, bringing total arrested to 25 [JP 5/7]. Israel signs agreement to participate in U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative; Israel is the third to sign, after Britain and West Germany [LAT, WP 5/7]. Police Staff Sergeant-Major Yosef Oren is charged in police disciplinary court with beating a prisoner with electric cords to force him to confess to murder [JP 5/7]. Mattityahu Drobles, co-chairman of the World Zionist Organization's settlement department, vetoes proposal by his cochairman, Nissim Zvili, that 500 Palestinian refugee families replace the Israeli settlers in Kibbutz Netzarim instead of being settled at Tal Sultan; Gaza Strip settlers joined Drobles in dismissing the proposal [JP 5/7].
Arab World: Pres. Hafiz al-Asad ends 24- hour visit to Amman after talks with King Hussein aimed at improving relations between the 2 countries; no communique or joint statement is issued [NYT 5/7].
Other Countries: U.S. Senate rejects by vote of 73-22 the Reagan administration's request to sell $354 million worth of advanced arms to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 5/7]. Ahmad Nawaf Mansur, a Jordanian arrested in connection with the explosion at a West Berlin discotheque last month, has reportedly confessed to an earlier bombing in the city, saying it was organized by the Syrian embassy in East Berlin [NYT 5/7].