Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel Aircraft Industries announces $1 billion in sales for 1985/86 fiscal year [JP 5/15]. Three border policemen are charged before a police tribunal with using excessive force in the 1984 arrest of a Palestinian [JP 5/16].
Arab World: Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of the PLO political department, meets French foreign minister in Paris, the first such meeting in two years [LM 5/16]. An undetermined number are killed, and as many as 200 students and 18 police injured in clashes during protests at University of Yarmuk at Irbid in northem Jordan [GU 6/14; MG 5/16]. (Estimates of death range from 3 to 18.) Riots, involving 2,000 students, are reportedly over growing Jordanian-Syrian cooperation against PLO, though nominal causes are high tuition fees and U.S. air strikes on Libya [NYT 5/21; JP 5/16].
Other Countries: Geneva-based WHO condemns for 11th successive year Israeli seizure of Arab territories and says foreign occupation is bad for mental and physical health; condemns diversion of water and hindrance of development of Arab health organizations [JP 5/15].