Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir leaves for Paris where he hopes to "undermine European support for an international conference" [NYT 4/28]. More than 100 Palestinians and Israelis join in demonstration at al-Hakawati Theater in show of support for Faysal al-Husayni, held under administrative detention, and Birzeit U., closed for 4 months [FJ 5/3]. At press conference, Higher Council of Education members protest Israeli harassment of universities in the occupied territories [FJ 5/3]. Estimated 1,000 residents of Palestinian Druze village of Bayt Jann gather in Jerusalem to protest government's landuse and budget policies; village holds commercial and school strike [FJ 5/3].
Arab World: Egypt orders PLO offices in Cairo and Alexandria closed in reaction to PNC criticism of Camp David accords [NYT 4/28; CSM 4/29].
Other Countries: Members of U. S. congressional panels investigating Iran-contra affair review material submitted by Israel; negotiations between U.S. investigators and Israel over confidentiality of report continue [WP 4/28].