Wednesday, December 23, 1987


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Most Gaza Strip shops remain closed, but many workers from Gaza and W. Bank report to jobs in Israel. Israel rejects U.S. criticism of its handling of disturbances [WP 12/24]. New prison camp is opened outside of Hebron to hold recently arrested Palestinian protesters [NYT 12/24]. Full commercial strike is observed in Jenin; soldiers break commercial strike in Bethlehem. Hundreds of Palestinians are arrested in connection with recent demonstrations [FJ 12/27]. Def. Min. Rabin announces tougher security plan for occupied territories [CSM 12/24].

Other Countries: U.S. again calls on Israeli leaders to cease using live ammunition to control riots in the occupied territories [NYT, WP 12/24]. Pentagon reports U.S. and Israel have agreed on joint funding for new anti-tactical ballistic missile system called the Arrow. U.S. will pay 80% of project's cost. Missile will be built in Israel [LAT 12/24]. Reagan administration officials state they plan to challenge legality of new law requiring closure of PLO's UN observer mission in New York [LAT 12/24]. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh, head of PLO's information department, announces PLO Executive Com. will discuss establishment of Palestinian government-in-exile [FJ 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military rounds up hundreds of alleged rioters in Gaza Strip and W. Bank. Gaza's Jabalya refugee camp is sealed off and curfew imposed. Duhayshah camp, near Bethlehem, is also sealed. Reports indicate Israel has increased its military presence in the territories [WP 12/24].