Occupied Palestine/Israel: George Hazbun, secretary of Union of Public Institution Workers in Bethlehem and deputy secretary of General Federation of Labor Unions in the W. Bank, is served 3-month administrative detention order [FJ 6/7]. On 1st day of Arab Education Week, over 1,500 Nazareth-area students participate in series of marches calling for improved education in Arab areas [FJ 6/7]. U.S. embassy officials deliver subpoena to Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman, demanding his appearance in 10 days before grand jury investigating Iran-contra affair [BS 6/7].
Other Countries: Los Angeles Times poll finds 67% of Americans feel Israel should return at least some of the territory captured in 1967 in exchange for peace; 50% favor negotiating with the PLO while 39% oppose it; and 37% have positive impression of Israeli government, 30% have negative impression, and 33% are uncertain [LAT 6/3].