Wednesday, May 6, 1987


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: The Jerusalem Post reports Israel helped ship Polish rifles to the Nicaraguan contras; Israeli government denies the allegation [BG 5/7]. Curfew on town of Qalqiliyyah is lifted [FJ 5/10]. Birzeit U. Student Council Pres. Marwan Barghuthi withdraws appeal against his expulsion order [FJ 5/10]. Israeli High Court denies appeal of Ramallah amily trying to prevent sealing of more than half their house; military sealed the rooms because son living there was convicted of role in 1983 bomb attack on Israeli bus [FJ 5/10]. Estimated 2,000 elementary and secondary school students from Bayt Jann village in the Galilee demonstrate to protest conditions in the schools [FJ 5/10]. Palestinians held at Ansar II detention center charge brutal treatment by new Israeli commander [FJ 5/10]. Authorities extend closure orders for 4 secondary schools in Gaza Strip's Jabaliyyah refugee camp until 5/10 [FJ 5/10].

Other Countries: Mahmud Mahmud 'Ata, a U.S. citizen accused of firebombing an Israeli bus on the W. Bank in 1986, is arrested in New York by FBI agents after deportation from Venezuela [WP 5/7].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli fighter jets bomb 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp and 3 training bases near Sidon, killing 10, wounding 28 [WP 5/7].