Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military issues order preventing Palestinians from occupied territories from traveling to Israel and E. Jerusalem [FJ 4/24].
Arab World: Khalil al-Wazir is buried in Damascus' Yarmuk camp [WP 4/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews are imposed on 15 W. Bank camps as well as Nablus and village of 'Azzun. In Gaza Strip, parts of Rafah, Abasan village, and Jabalya, Beach, Nusayrat, and Khan Yunis camps are under curfew. Gaza Strip is closed off. Demonstrators in Nusayrat camp defy curfew; troops respond with live ammunition, killing 1. In W. Bank town of 'Anabta, curfew is reimposed following violent demonstration. Israeli sources report soldier is injured by rock during Ramallah demonstration [FJ 4/24].