Sunday, December 24, 1989


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Speaking in Bayt Sahur, Archbishop Desmond Tutu draws parallels between plight of South African blacks and Palestinians in O.T. [NYT, LAT 12/25; FBIS 12/28].

Shimon Peres asks Israel's Cabinet to approve $27.2 billion 1990 budget, including $5.3 billion earmarked for defense. The army seeks an extra $200 million to combat intifada [LAT 12/25].

The first Egyptian trade delegation to visit Israel arrives in Jerusalem. Israeli exports to Egyptotalled $6.2 million last year, while imports from Egypt totalled $3.2 million [FBIS 12/28].

Ariel Sharon suggests to the cabinet that the level of violence in territories could be reduced if Israel arrested or deported Faisal Husayni, Sari Nusaybah, and Jamil al-Tarifi [FBIS 12/28].

Arab World: Arafat meets with Mubarak in Cairo to discuss plans for preliminary peace talks in Washington [NYT 12/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's Supreme Court overturns decision by army's Judge Advocate General and directs army to court-martial Col. Yehuda Meir (ret.). This is the first time the High Court has moved against IDF. Col. Meir is accused of instructing troops to break limbs of Palestinian prisoners arrested in January 1988 [NYT, LAT 12/25; FBIS 12/27].

At least 25 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with IDF forces throughout O.T. [FBIS 12/27].