Wednesday, December 27, 1989


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are judged in military courts. [LAT, FBIS 12/ 28].

Arab World: Egypt and Syria agree to restore diplomatic ties after 12-year break [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 12/28; CSM 12/ 29].

Lebanese officials say they will lodge complaint with UN Sec. Council about Israel's 12/26 air and ground attacks [NYT, WP 12/28].

Egypt signs industrial contract with the USSR [FBIS 1/2].

Other Countries: The Washington Post cites unnamed Arab and Western diplomats as saying PLO has kept commitments made by Arafat last year in Geneva, but PLO has not convinced Israeli public that it is sincere [WP 12/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in O.T. observe strike called by Hamas [CSM 12/28].