Friday, February 10, 1989


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish organizations refuses Israeli request to criticize U.S.-PLO talks. Conference asks U.S. to reassess talks with PLO, defends Israel's human rights record [WP 2/11]. Palestinian activist Faisal al-Husseini states that Palestinians are willing to discuss giving up the right of return in exchange for compensation [LAT 2/11]. Jerusalem Post poll shows that 65% of Israelis are willing to give up part of the O.T. for peace. Poll by the Dahaf Institute shows that 53% of Israelis favor talks with PLO [LAT 2/11].

Other Countries: UN Commission on Human Rights issues report accusing Israel of torture, human right violations [FBIS 2/ 13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops at Ansar III fire tear gas to break up demonstrations. At least 8 Palestinians are treated for gas inhalation. 2 Palestinians are shot. In Gaza at least 7 Palestinians are shot [FJ 2/13].