Wednesday, November 22, 1989


Arab World: Lebanese President Rene Moawad is assassinated when an explosion destroys his car; 23 others are also killed. Moawad was in office only 17 days [FBIS 11/22; NYT, WP, LAT 11/23].

Other Countries: President Bush has received personal message from Arafat, delivered through U.S. embassy in Tunis; contents are not divulged; Bush does not plan reply [NYT, WP 11/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Bodies of 2 Palestinians suspected of collaboration are found; number of suspected collaborators killed during intifada stands at 144 [MET 12/5].

Military orders 2 Bethlehem houses destroyed. Authorities deport 5 Palestinians to Jordan, saying they lacked family reunification permit [FJ 11/27].

General strike called by Hamas is observed in O.T. At least 13 Palestinians are wounded in clashes with IDF [FBIS 11/29]