Wednesday, October 18, 1989
Other Countries: U.S. chides Shamir for "unhelpful and disappointing" comments on 10/17 [WP, LAT 10/19]. Baker receives letter from Shamir reaffirming Israel's refusal to deal with the PLO, but calling on the U.S. to continue peace efforts [WP 10/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops raid UN welfare depot in Gaza, arrest 3 staffers and confiscate UN documents. In coordinated effort, troops detain 4 Palestinian W. Bank employees of UNRWA and confiscate documents [WP 10/19; MET 10/ 31]. PFLP leader Asman Mara is sentenced to 27 years in Israeli prison for "terrorist attacks" [MET 10/31]. Army demolishes 3 Qalqilyah homes; at least 5 Palestinians are wounded in clashes [FBIS 10/25]