Israel launches Earth-orbit satellite 1 day after Iraq's leader warned he would use chemical weapons against Israel. Labor party leader Peres says satellite should tell Saddam Hussein "that if he wants to deal with Israel, he should look for means other than the military one" [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/4; JDS, IDF 4/3 in FBIS 4/4].
Israeli human rights organization "In the Image" reports IDF soldiers killed fewer Palestinians in first quarter of 1990 than in any 3-month period since intifada began. 30 Palestinians were killed by IDF; 35 Palestinians were killed by fellow Palestinians over the same period, according to group [NYT 4/4].
Saddam Hussein's 4/2 statement angers Pres. Bush, who says "This is no time to be talking about using chemical or biological weapons. This is no time to be escalating tensions in the Middle East" [LAT 4/4].