Tuesday, December 25, 1990

GCC ends 4-day summit in Doha with statement and communique warning Iraq that war is only alternative unless Saddam withdraws from Kuwait; drops usual reference to PLO as "sole legitimate representative of Palestinians" [NYT, LAT, WP 12/26; CSM 12/27].

In annual Christmas message, Pope John Paul II calls for negotiations to end Gulf crisis, but seems to hint Iraq should leave Kuwait, saying "the inalienable rights of people and nations" must be respected. John Paul also calls for solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one that acknowledges "the legitimate expectations" of each side [LAT 12/25, 12/26; NYT, WT, WP 12/26].

USSR's 1st consul in Israel since 1967 presents his credentials in Jerusalem while Israel's 1st consul does likewise in similar ceremony in Moscow [LAT, WP 12/26; JPI 1/5].

Military panel in Jerusalem rejects appeals of 4 Palestinians slated to be deported for membership in Hamas [LAT, WT 12/26; FJ 12/31].

Spokesman says DFLP is ready to launch attack at Israel in event of U.S. aggression against Iraq [INA 12/25 in FBIS 12/26].

Fateh's Central Committee opens meeting in Tunis under Chrmn. Arafat [DUS 12/25 in FBIS 12/27].