Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police arrest Faisal Husayni and charge him with aiding illegal Palestine Popular Army. Charges stem from 1/18 trial in which Husayni's name was mentioned [FBIS 1/19; NYT 1/20].
D.M. Rabin returns from Washington after talks, says he met a "sympathetic audience" [FBIS 1/19].
Fateh candidates win 9 of 11 seats in the Gaza physicians' association, the first of several upcoming trade union elections [FBIS 1/23].
Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid concludes talks in Washington, flies to New York for meeting with UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar [FBIS 1/19].
Other Countries: Bush administration condemns Israeli arrest of Husayni, saying "such actions discourage Palestinian confidence in the peace process" [NYT, WP 1/20].
United Jewish Appeal launches Operation Exodus, fund-raising effort designed to raise $420-$480 million from American Jews to help resettle Soviet immigrants to Israel [NYT, WP 1/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: About 500 Palestinian youths attack with stones and bottles a Gaza police station. Police use tear gas to break up crowd [FBIS 1/22].
At least 11 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T. [FBIS 1/22].
Arab World: Israeli Air Force attacks targets in S. Lebanon, killing 3 and wounding 18. Fighter-bombers attack PFLP positions near Sidon, and Hizballah strongholds in Iqlim al Toffah district [FBIS 1/19; NYT, WP 1/20].