Sunday, July 22, 1990
Labor Party Central Committee rejects proposal backed by Yitzhak Rabin to convene nominating convention so that Rabin could challenge Shimon Peres for party's leadership. Convention is put off until next year, leaving Peres in control [JDS 7/22 in FBIS 7/23; LAT, NYT, WP 7/23; FJ 7/30].
"Security reasons" force cancellation of charter flight of Soviet Jews from Finland to Israel; officials say there is no chance of Finnish transit point operating soon UDS 7/22 in FBIS 7/23].
Head of Jordanian Ministry of Interior's Follow-up and Inspection Dep't., Muhammad Majid al-'Udwan, reports 70,000 residents have failed to return to W.Bank despite Jordanian regulations discouraging their extended stay [JTE 7/ 21 in FBIS 7/23].