Friday, March 30, 1990

Thousands of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs hold protest marches in rallies marking 14th anniversary of Land Day; strike is observed in O.T. and Arab villages in Israel; about 10,000 Israeli Arabs attend main rally in Arraba; police in Taibeh use tear gas to disperse stone throwers [NYT 3/31].

Displeased with current politicking, Pres. Chaim Herzog says in monthly radio address "In the light of present political events, I once again publicly express my opinion on the urgent need for change in the electoral system" [LAT 3/ 31].

IDF issues new guidelines on firing plastic bullets; only company commanders with telescopic sights and soldiers given special training are allowed to shoot plastic bullets [JDS 3/30 in FBIS 3/30].

Poll of 506 Moscovites, conducted by Institute of Sociology of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, finds 48% believe anti-Jewish feeling in on the rise in USSR [NYT 3/30].