Thursday, May 10, 1990

Israeli officials, including Moshe Arens, accuse U.S. of creating "artificial storm" over Soviet Jewish emigration [WP, LAT 5/11].

Bowing to U.S. threats to withdraw funding, World Health Organization shelves indefinitely PLO application [NYT, WP, WT 5/11].

New York Times news analysis claims Israel "has emerged as the beneficiary of changing times in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, while the Arab world confronts the losses" [NYT 5/10].

In his column in Catholic New York, Cardinal John O'Connor denounces Israeli settlement inJerusalem's Christian quarter: "What happened in Jerusalem is obscene," and writes that Israelis are "speeding up . . . a design to make it virtually impossible for Christians to function anywhere in the land" [NYT 5/12; WT 5/14].

Shimon Peres announces his intent to go into opposition of any gov't. formed by Yitzhak Shamir [TET 5/10 in FBIS 5/11].