Pres. Bush orders U.S. forces in Gulf in- creased by about 200,000, a new deployment he says would ensure that an "offensive military option" is available if needed. Increase will raise number of troops in region to about 430,000 [WP, NYT 11/9].
After meeting with Sec. Baker, Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze says that although USSR wants a diplomatic settlement to Gulf crisis, military force may be required to expel Iraq from Kuwait [WP, NYT 11/9].
Washington Post reports that in the past week 3 Marine generals have warned that U.S. military supply lines in Gulf are showing signs of strain and have urged that military stockpiles be increased before any U.S. offensive [WP 11/9].
Israeli soldier and Arab are killed in gunfight after 5 Arabs cross border from Jordan, allegedly seeking revenge on 1 month anniversary of Haram al-Sharif killings [IDF, JDS 11/8 in FBIS 11/9; MEM 11/8; WP, NYT 11/9].
D.M. Moshe Arens says Israel will not let Lebanese gov't regain control of S. Lebanon "security zone" controlled by Israel [NYT 11/9].
Saddam Hussein has dismissed his military chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Nazir al-Khazraji, according to Iraqi army newspaper Al-Qadisiya [MEM 11/8; NYT 11/9].