45 Democratic lawmakers file suit in Washington to try to force Pres. Bush to seek authority from Congress before ordering U.S. military attack in Gulf [LAT, NYT, MEM 11/21].
New York Times/CBS News poll finds 47% of respondents are increasingly worried Pres. Bush has been too quick to commit troops to Gulf, 51% expect U.S. to go to war, and 51% say Pres. has not explained clearly enough why troops are in Gulf [NYT 11/20].
In Paris, Sec. Baker meets with Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze; U.S. and USSR agree further UN action is needed to force Iraq out of Kuwait, but disagree on exact steps [NYT, WT, WP 11/21].
Israeli F.M. David Levy informs UN Sec.- Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar that Israel will receive UN envoy Jean-Claude Aime if Amie's mission is not connected to 10/8 Haram al-Sharif killings [JDS 11/20 in FBIS 11/20; WT 11/21].
Israeli officer and 4 Palestinian guerrillas are killed in 8-hour firefight in S. Lebanon after Israelis ambush guerrilla squad [JDS 11/20 in FBIS 11/20; MEM 11/20; NYT, WP 11/21; MET 11/27]; Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF) claims responsibility for operation [QUD 11/20 in FBIS 11/21; MEM 11/20].
General strike called for by UNLU is observed throughout o.t. [MEM 11/20; FJ 11/26; MET 12/4].
Iraqi gov't. announces it will free all German hostages, acknowledging that move is meant to divide international coalition against Baghdad [BADS 11/20 in FBIS 11/20; NYT, WT, WP, CSM 11/21].
Chrmn. of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin Powell says Iraq's decision to send 250,000 additional troops to Kuwait might create "new vulnerabilities" for Baghdad "rather than added strength" [NYT, WT, WP 11/21].
New York grand jury indicts Sayyid Nosair, Egyptian-born maintenance worker, on charges of assassinating Meir Kahane on 11/5 [WP 11/21].