Sunday, August 11, 1991

Israel again indicates willingness to release Lebanese prisoners in return for release of Israeli soldiers held in Lebanon or documented information their demise. Offer includes release of Shaykh 'Abd al-Karim 'Ubayd, kidnapped by Israeli troops in June 1989. In connection with recent release of two Western hostages held in Lebanon [on 8/8, 8/11] and international efforts to secure a comprehensive exchange of Lebanese, Israeli prisoners as well as Western hostages, Israeli officials indicate no Lebanese will be released in return for hostages unless Israeli captives are also released. (WP 8/12)

Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' states peace conference cannot take place unless Israel halts settlement building in occupied territories. (WP 8/13)

Kuwaiti cabinet establishes six-person committee todevelop long-range "population policy." Move comes in wake of flight or expulsion of some 270,000 Palestinians from Kuwait since Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. 50,000 of the remaining 90,000 Palestinians in Kuwait are expected to leave for Jordan. (MEM 8/12, 8/14)

U.S. officials arrive in Amman for talks with Jordanian leaders on U.S.-Jordan "memorandum of understanding." Americans earlier met with Israel officials, Palestinians, concerning similar bilateral memoranda with those parties. (MEM 8/12)