NATO announces that Germany, Belgium, and Italy will send 42 jet fighters with at least 470 support personnel to Turkey to reinforce that nation's border with Iraq [WP, LAT, NYT 1/3].
After meeting with Saddam Hussein, Yasir Arafat indicates in interview that neither he nor Saddam is insisting that Israel withdraw from o.t. as requirement for Iraq to leave Kuwait [BADS 1/2 in FBIS 1/3; NYT 1/3].
Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) releases letter signed by 127 law professors insisting Pres. Bush has constitutional obligation to "obtain prior express congressional authorization" before ordering U.S. troops into war in the Gulf [WP 1/3].
IDF troops shoot dead 30-year-old Palestinian, wound at least 16 others in Gaza clashes arising after curfew is lifted there [MEM 1/2; LAT 1/3].
Kuwaiti embassy in Washington reports about 500 Kuwaiti nationals in U.S. are being drafted by Kuwait's gov't.-in-exile for training as translators to be assigned with U.S. military units in the Gulf [LAT 1/3].
Foreign ministers of Egypt, Syria, and Libya meet in Cairo to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 1/2 in FBIS 1/2, 1/3; WT 1/3].
Jordan's King Hussein arrives in London for talks with British PM John Major [MEM 1/2; WT 1/3].
Arab League ass't. sec.-gen., Salah al-Mukhtar, resigns in protest of League's move to Cairo; he is replaced by Egyptian Ahamd 'Adil [INA, MENA 1/2 in FBIS 1/3].
Maj. Gen. Antoine Lahad, commander of Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army, reaffirms SLA independence of newly strengthened gov't. of Elias Hrawi until gov't. shows it is free of Syrian control [LAT 1/3].