Four Iraqi SCUD missiles land in Israel, wounding 15; Israeli officials say they will retaliate, but will wait in deference to U.S. [IDF 1/19 in FBIS 1/22; NYT, LAT, WP 1/20].
Pres. Bush calls P.M. Shamir to express concern over Iraqi missile attacks on Israel and to encourage Shamir to let U.S. respond militarily for Israel [IDF 1/19 in FBIS 1/22; NYT 1/20].
"Several hundreds of thousands" of people march through Khartoum streets in support of Iraq. Pro-Iraq demonstrations also take place in Tunis and Mauritania [PIS, AFP 1/19 in FBIS 1/22].
Iraq offers reward of 10,000 dinars for Iraqi citizens and $20,000 for non-Iraqis who turn in downed allied pilots to Baghdad [BADS 1/19 in FBIS 1/22].
Despite encountering increasing resistance from anti-aircraft fire, U.S. says it has air control over most of Iraq and Kuwait [NYT, WP, LAT 1/20].