Saturday, March 9, 1991
Senior U.S. admin. officials say military plans to use air strikes against any Iraqi military unit that uses poison gas or chemical weapons against rebels [NYT, WP 3/10].
Palestinians in o.t. mark 39 months of intifada with general strike; at least 55 Gazans are wounded in clashes with IDF; clashes are largest since before Gulf war [NYT, WP 3/10; JDS 3/9 in FBIS 3/11; FJ 3/18; MET 3/19].
On quick visit to Kuwait, Sec. Baker is told by gov't. officials that they intend to democratize their country in near future, but insist that until Saddam Hussein is removed from power, there will not be peace or stability in Gulf region [NYT, WP 3/10; MET 3/19].