In interview with Washington Post, Iraqi Deputy P.M. Tariq Aziz concedes that Saddam's regime has made "mistakes" because it has been in power so long, but adds that Baghdad is committed to move towards democracy [WP 5/8].
UN special envoy reports that Iraqi Kurds are returning home from border camps faster than expected - more than 4,000 a day - indicating that allied effort to establish security zone is working [WP 5/8].
Iraqi gov't. officials and Kurdish opposition begin new round of talks to hammer out details of agreement that would give Kurds autonomy [NYT 5/8; INA 5/7 in FBIS 5/8].
Housing Min. Ariel Sharon presents plan to MKs for additional Jewish housing in Jerusalem, Sharon wishes to establish contiguous territorial and demographic strip between Jerusalem and nearby settlements, according to Israeli media [JNT 5/7, YA 5/8 in FBIS 5/8]