Thursday, May 9, 1991

UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar tells Pres. Bush that he has received from Iraq "a very clear rejection" of the allied plan for UN troops to protect Kurdish refugee camps once allies leave; Iraqi troops move into Dahuk in effort to prevent allies from expanding security zones further (cf. 5/10) [WP, NYT 5/10].

Soviet F.M. Bessmertnykh declares while visiting Jordan that new Middle East peace process could not begin unless Israel halt construction of Jewish settlements in o.t.; adds that Moscow will not rule out limiting emigration of Soviet Jews as way of halting settlements [WP, MEM 5/10; ADS 5/9 in FBIS 5/10].

Returning to U.S. after meeting with King Fahd, Sec. Cheney says he has made "significant progress" towards new U.S.-Arab military agreements in Gulf region [WP, MEM 5/10; RIDS 5/9 in FBIS 5/9]. Cheney reports he reached general understanding with Saudi and other Gulf gov'ts. about storing equipment and other steps to maintain American military presence in region [NYT 5/10]