Monday, November 11, 1991

Knesset passes resolution declaring Israeli control of Golan is not negotiable. The resolution was supported by a broad coalition which included members from Likud, Labor parties. Prime Min. Shamir states current borders and ceasefire lines (including 1967 occupied territories) are "an essential minimum of territory." (MEM 11/12)

Syrian vice pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam meets with Fateh delegation which has been in Damascus during the week. (MEM 11/13)

Nayif Hawatma, leader of one wing of the DFLP, meets with King Hussein, Jordanian prime min. Tahir al-Masri in Amman. (MEM 11/12)

Foreign ministers of the "Damascus Declaration" nations (Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman) begin meeting in Cairo, the fifth time the countries have met. Meeting expressed satisfaction atrecent Madrid peace conference. (MENA 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)

Israeli army kills four persons in the western Negev desert who infiltrated into Israeli territory from Egypt. (IDF Radio 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)