Tuesday, April 7, 1992

Chmn. Arafat's plane crashes in a desert sandstorm near al-Sarra in S. Libya. Three crewmen die; Arafat, 9 others survive. International effort to locate the plane begins. (NYT 4/8)

State Dept. officials meet with officials of Israeli for. ministry in Jerusalem to discuss ways of averting threatened Israeli boycott of any sessions of upcoming multilateral peace talks which include Palestinians from outside o.t. [U.S., Russia have agreed to allow diaspora Palestinians to participate in meetings dealing with refugee problems and economic development. Israel insists that original terms set for peace process excludes Palestinians from outside o.t.]. Americans propose allowing such Palestinians to participate as observers; Israel rejects the proposal. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 4/8 in FBIS 4/9)

Addressing the audience as "fellow Zionists," U.S. Vice Pres. Quayle tells annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), most important pro-Israel lobbying group in U.S. that Pres. Bush shares their commitment to Israel's security. (WP 4/8)