Sunday, April 26, 1992

Team of Egyptian architects returns to Cairo after week-long trip to o.t. where they inspected Islamic holy sites. Delegation states sites such as al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock are suffering from neglect and Israeli diggings near them. In report prepared for Egyptian ministries offoreign affairs and housing, architects state $10 million is required to repair shrines. (MM 4/27, 4/29)

Court in 'Akka sentences poet Shafiq Habib, Palestinian holding Israeli citizenship, to 8 months imprisonment, 3 years probation, and a fine of approximately $3,100 for poems he published which dealt with the intifada. Court claimed poems violated 1949 "Antiterror Act" by offering "praise for murderous violence behind the guise of poetry." (HaAretz 4/27 in FBIS 4/28)