Tuesday, February 25, 1992

Israeli delegation presents proposal on Palestinian self-government to Palestinian delegates whereby residents of o.t. would be allowed to manage their own affairs in 12 fields, such as taxation, education, and agriculture. (WP 2/27; NYT 3/6; MM 4/14)

Secy. of State Baker testifies before Senate Foreign Operations Subcommittee on loan guarantees. (NYT 2/26)

EC representative in Israel states EC will not allow Israel to interfere in how EC spends $80 million in economic projects in o.t. Remarks come in wake of dispute between Israel and EC over whether EC must notify Israel of all projects it implements in o.t. or just those requiring Israeli cooperation. (HaAretz 2/26 in FBIS 2/27)

Syria and International Atomic Energy Agency conclude agreement in Vienna whereby Syria signs Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [see 2/9]. (Syrian Arab Television 4/7 in FBIS 4/8)