Saturday, July 25, 1992

Arab foreign ministers meet with President Asad, conclude meeting in Damascus, issue final statement endorsing new round of peace talks, calling for participation of PLO and diaspora Palestinians, acknowledging Israeli "change of tone" but lack of commitment to peace. (NYT 7/26)

Secretary of State Baker says he would like to reconvene peace talks in Washington, D.C. on 8/10. (NYT 7/26)

IDF soldiers shoot at vehicle, killing 4- year-old Palestinian boy; vehicle reportedly was suspected of carrying "wanted" activists. (Qol Yisra'el 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)

Amal fighters clash with Israeli, SLA patrol in South Lebanon; Israeli artillery and helicopters shell and strafe Litani river basin, al-Tayyiba, Zawtar regions (Voice of the Mountain 7/26 in FBIS 7/27)