Monday, June 8, 1992

Acting PLO security head Atif Basaysu assassinated by gunmen in Paris. Basaysu assumed security function left by Salah Khalaf (Abu Tyad) following his assassination in January 1991. (WP 6/9)

Two anonymous phone calls - one claiming Kach responsibility, the other claiming Kahana Hay responsibility for the killing - were received at the Paris offices of the Associated Press. Al-Hayat cites French "political sources" to confirm PLO charge of Mossad responsibility; Israel denies charges. (FBIS, MM 6/9)

Belgian MP Michael Maertens and two Israelis are released after being arrested 6/7 in peace march round-up; 112 remaining are expected to be released 6/9. (MM 6/8)

IDF slightly eases entry restrictions on Gaza Strip imposed 5/24; "trickle" of workers allowed to enter Israel. (MM 6/8)

Head of Israeli mil. intelligence Maj.- Gen. Uri Saguy says the 4 infiltrators from Aqaba in 5/30 attack on Eilat beach were Fateh members trained in Libya, not Islamists, as revealed from interrogation of captured infiltrator. (MM 6/11)

Chmn. Arafat appoints new 7-member Fateh command in Lebanon. (Al-Shira' 6/8 in FBIS 6/9)