PLO issues open statement by Chmn. Arafat to the Palestinian people in which he defends peace talks, urges Palestinians to support the peace delegates. (MM 3/11)
Israeli diplomats in Cairo indicate FM Levy recently told Egyptian FM 'Amr Musa that Egypt should either charge 4 Israeli citizens held in Egypt for espionage or release them [3 Arabs of Libyan origin and 1 Jew, were detained in early February. Israel has denied spying on Egypt]. (AFP 3/10 in FBIS 3/11)
Detainee Muhammad 'Abd al-Fattah al-Hawrani, member of the steering committee of the Palestinian delegation to peace talks who was detained in February, is released from Ketziot-Ansar 3 detention camp [see 2/17]. Commander of Ketziot announces 300 prisoners will be released early during coming week to mark Islamic holy month of Ramadan. (MM 3/11; al-Nahar 3/11 in FBIS 3/12)
IDF kills Palestinian in Gaza City after he accidentally ran into army checkpoint. (MM 3/10)