Thursday, May 21, 1992

PLO supporters, running as "Nationalist Muslim List," win 9 of 12 seats in elections for chamber of commerce and industry in Nablus. Hamas supporters win other 3 seats. Elections were the first for the chamber in 18 years. (MM 5/21)

Palestinian negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi condemns internecine killing of Palestinians in o.t. (Qol Yisra'el 5/21 in FBIS 5/21)

IDF planes bomb Islamic Resistance positions near Janta in E. Lebanon's Biqa' Valley, 5 km. from border with Syria; 6 Hizballah fighters and 1 Iranian Revolutionary Guard fighter are killed. jets also bomb 2 other villages in S. Lebanon while helicopters attack home of Hizballah commander in Jibshit. IDF, SLA artillery shell 5 villages as fierce fighting enters third day. (MM 5/21; WP, MM 5/22)