Tuesday, November 10, 1992

UN Development Program announces it will invest $20 million in W. Bank and Gaza Strip projects in the coming year, "hopefully" to be increased to $35 million the following year. Activities are to be coordinated with Israel. (MM 11/10)

IDF kills Palestinian gunman in Gaza Strip. (MM 11/10)

Hamas calls for "days of escalation" on 11/19 (date of 1935 death of Shaykh 'Izz al-Din al-Qassim), 11/22 (25th anniv. of UNSC 242), 11/25 and 27, general strike on 11/29 (date of 1947 UN partition res.). (QPAR 11/10 in FBIS 11/10)

Israel overflies, drops flares over S. Lebanon all night, shells targets, amasses armor and artillery along northern border, concentrates positions in eastern "security zone" overlooking Nabatiyya and Jazzin. Hizballah fires rockets into "security zone" and Israel, attacks Israeli patrol in Jazzin, 10 mi. north of "security zone." SLA detains Lebanese Army sergeant in Khiyam prison. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon, VOL 11/10 in FBIS 11/10)

IDF confirms 11/4 UN findings of Syrian disengagement violations, choosing, as they have in the past, to turn a"blind eye" to these longstanding violations. (Hadashot 1 1/1 1 in FBIS 11/13)

Jordan sentences 2 Muslim Brotherhood MPs to 20 years hard labor, 2 shopkeepers to 10 years hard labor, for membership in outlawed, Iranian-backed dissident orgs. (MM 11/10; NYT, WP 11/11