Sunday, December 5, 1993

Secy. of State Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. al-Asad, who agrees to let U.S. investigators search for 7 Israelis missing in Lebanon and to grant exit permits to Syrian Jews by end 12/93. Christopher calls talks "positive and constructive," al-Asad's moves "important humanitarian gestures." U.S. agrees to allow Kuwait to transfer 3 U.S.-made aircraft to Syria in a relaxation of sanctions on Damascus. (NYT, WP, WT 12/6; NYT 12/7)

Israel-PLO talks in Cairo and al-'Arish, Sinai, on Palestinian autonomy resume. (WT 12/6)

Jordanian, Israeli govts. sign accord on economic cooperation, initialed by negotiators in Washington 12/1. (MM 12/7)

Palestinian grocer Talal al-Bakri, shot 12/4 in Hebron by settlers, dies. 5 settlers arrested in connection with killing. (NYT, WP, WT 12/6)

Israeli AG Ben-Yair calls settlers' council a "seditious" organization, while Ag. M. Yaacov Tsur calls 12/4 shooting of Talal al-Bakri an incident of "Jewish terror." (MM 12/6)

Armed Palestinian, Khalid Awad Shihada, attacks Israelis on suburban Tel Aviv bus, killing reserve IDF soldier before being killed himself. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for attack. Israelis demonstrate at attack site, some shouting "Death to Arabs!" (NYT, WP, WT 12/6)

Frmr. Israeli PM Shamir tells Zionist Organization of America mtg. in Baltimore that Israeli govt. has made a pact with "terrorists and murderers" in signing DoP, says agreement reflects "an Arab plan to destroy Israel in stages." (WT 12/7)